Gary Collins and Kristy Clark are both going for the Liberal party leadership. They saw that Campbell would, sooner or later, have to resign in disgrace over his extreme views and maneuvering of BC into complete foreign ownership. During the current teachers' strike he is touting that breaking the law is the major problem. A law he unilaterally created. This from the notorious Maui law breaker.
Clark said she wanted to spend more time with her family, then bought a house in Vancouver (a potentially RENTAL house) and tried to become Vancouver's Mayor, a stepping stone others have used for lusty ambitions.
Collins is safely tucked away in a polically harmless job as CEO of the Liberal friendly
Harmony Airways. He is being kept clean. So far he's leading this secret race because of Kristy's humiliating defeat in Vancouver.
It has recently been suggested that the electorate of BC might be looking for another alternative, one that could be viewed as British Columbia friendly, an alternative like the once strong and vibrant
Social Credit party. At least that party was viewed as having been interested in the well being and progress of British Columbia and the people. WAC Bennett built a strong province in the face of all opposition.
We currently have a Liberal government at the end of a long string to the Liberals in Ottawa and American interests in the USA. The NDP is also attached to Ottawa through a national party.
One of the most effective aspects of the old Social Credit party was its
lack of control by a distant political party or foreign interests. As a matter of record, the Bennett led Social Credit government had a proviso in the ownership of BC Gas; that it could not be owned by more than 20% out of province interests. The BC Liberals took out that control then privatized it and sold out to Terasen Gas, now soon to be totally controlled from Texas.
Some are looking for those days to return when we were proud of our province and our own accomplishments. Having Collins or Clark at the helm of our province only continues the devastation of British Columbia for greedy shareholders elsewhere.
Whoever runs the BC Liberal party, it is bad news for British Columbians.