Monday, March 21, 2022

Space Aliens

How many commentators have looked at UFOs, or as they're calling them now, UAPs (Unidentified Aerial Phenomenom) as closely as we should?
First, when we see lights in the sky, and we cannot explain them, we assume they must be space ships from some other Galaxy. So IF they were, and have arrived here from a thousand light-year journey from somewhere in Pegasus, why would they need lights? Do they need to look out the windows to see where they're going? Do they need windows?  Do they need eyes?
Can we accept that any space vehicle in our realm will not need lights? For lighting up their path or for being identified! 
Wouldn't they have way better stealth technology than us? If you're going into a new galaxy and know little about the folks who live there, wouldn't you want to approach with caution? Instead of brandishing that now familiar V formation so often the subject of speculation?

And why do we assume they'll be our relative size? Human sized. Yes maybe depending on where they are from. Jupitor has room for big people. But isn't the real reason the dinosaurs went extinct is because they were too big for our little planet? If we were on Pluto would we be 1 (one) foot tall? 
Maybe our space visitors are actually the size of lady bugs? Or smaller. Why can't their space vehicle be the size of a beach pebble! And why isn't that a full big craft to them. So what if they actually look like beach rocks, and they all crashed here and became sand fleas who are hopping mad at their captain! 
And we all saw that F15 supposedly chasing a UAP across the skies. Really? Maybe it was just a fruit fly stuck in the radar sensor? Or a pretense for the USA to start a 'Space Force'.

And why so often do they seem to land in rural communities. If they really wanted to communicate, wouldn't they land on the White House lawn? Or within the Kremlin walls? Or Forbidden City? No space creature in it's right mind would land in Kansas or Arkansas! 
"Travis, there's a seven legged critter out there with 18 eyes looking in." 
"I'll get the shotgun, Martha." 
Blam! No Martian gonna get a 'murican.
Or maybe the vehicle passed us by already. Oumuamua dropped by to have a look and the scouting report was that our lil' blue planet is full of parasites, let's get the f outa here! 
I'm itchin' already!

So is that all we are? Just bugs with no greater purpose in our universe. Move on, nothing to see here, folks. Jus' keep on going like the Humuhumunukunukuapua'a.
Come back in two or three light-years.
Aloha, Oumuamua, muhalo.
Psst! Maybe don't tell anyone we are here.


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