Friday, July 26, 2024

First Try

    Who's to say what really happened? Donald Trump was shot, went down and after raising a fist in defiance, was rushed away by his Secret Service security detail. Thousands of attendees of the rally were stunned. In a state of turmoil, it was a crazed young man doing a lone wolf shooting at a President. Finding his own way into history.

But was it? Every answer to every question results in nothing but a clamor of new questions. And it became immediately evident that some folks were expecting it, no matter how hard it was to think it. A planned assassination of a former and potentially new President. The media disinformation campaign had engineered an atmosphere of such hate that Donald J. Trump was their perceived threat to Democracy. 

As millions had fearfully anticipated, the media blitz was successful, day after day of CNN, MSNBC, NYT, Washington Post, NBC, all the news you used to trust. TV and radio spin was being pummeled into the receptive brains of those ignorant of being able to discern the obvious actions from the covert actions. But not all of us were vulnerable. If you listen carefully to these seditious TV show hosts, you can hear the real message beneath their pre-written lines.

So the shot rang out. Trump escaping by only millimeters from a bullet to the brain. It was intended to be the end of the threat to Secret America. With Trump gone 'they' could emerge from their shadowy mansions. But no-one thought the shooter would miss. And it still has not been truly documented who that shooter was. 

Most times these incidents are swarmed with officials standing there like ducks in a row for face time on camera. This is what happened, folks. The Who, What, Where When, and spell my name correctly. The agent in charge taking his due. Not this time. No answers yet to stem the conspiracy theories.  

    Here is the scenario at the Butler Farm Show grounds - 


During the rally, we saw the two police snipers? on the roof behind Trump, the two with rifles tripod mounted nearest and already pointed to where Thomas Mathew Crooks would appear and have a shooting point. The two we saw wore jackets clearly labelled POLICE. There is doubt if they were Secret Service agents or FBI or just cops. One gun was removed from its tripod during the event. And some thought it was because they believed the shooter would be on the rooftop nearest, and they might need to shoot him on the run. And if he was moving fast, it would take a more mobile shot than from a tripod mount. Both police were seen aiming in the direction of the danger. The grey building, (MY orange dot) was HIGHER than the gunman's rooftop and could easily have been the REAL sniper's coin of vantage through a WINDOW with a perfect line to the Trump stage, AND an easy kill shot to Thomas Crooks. The level view shows this.


It was later revealed that the security men on the far rooftop took the kill shot on Crooks. Because trees were in the way of the closer snipers. It has not been confirmed that these four agents on the two roofs were really snipers at all. As many positions were allocated to local police on the day. But did they take that shot? Or was Trump shot from one of those high windows first (the near miss, hurried because folks saw Crooks) and THEN the same person took out Crooks?

Many people saw Crooks on that roof. And how did he get up there? That ladder we saw? But FBI now says he shinnied up a drain pipe. With an AR-15 in his pocket? And where did the ladder go? Of course none of this was deemed suspicious? Yet people saw him up there, called warnings, sent text messages, phoned authorities! Some in the crowd actually  YELLED at the guy! Plenty of time to stop any action by an assailant. And didn't they tell us that Secret Service guys were INSIDE that very building because the roof was too dangerous? Was there an agent who said someone was on the roof and was told to sit down and shut up?

What exactly was the plan that day? Could it have been to ALLOW Crooks to get his shot at Trump, THEN kill Crooks? Dead men cannot tell lies or the truth. DID the two security guys on the far rooftop actually shoot Crooks? We know they shot AT Crooks. It has been shown that the two nearest police were unable to see because of trees in their line of sight and Crooks' position on his roof. There were eight shots from Crooks. Several in quick succession. Yes the shell casings reveal those eight shots. But did any hit Trump? An autopsy of Crooks could reveal much. (Unless they have the same Medical Examiner who told us the lie about Kennedy's head shot.) Was Thomas Crooks killed by a shot from behind? An autopsy would show that exactly! Is that why Crooks was cremated right away? And what about that bullet? Could it have been a round from a different gun? There was no Secret Service sniper on that water tower? Why wasn't that a first consideration of a security detail?  

                          (Why was this picture removed twice?)

Donald Trump turned his head slightly enough at precisely the right moment for the shooter to miss the head shot. Did Crooks miss or did someone else miss? Could there have been a real sniper hidden elsewhere, in those thick trees? In the higher building? Someone who had to hurry because too many rally goers saw Crooks? Was a mystery man instructed to make the kill shot on Trump and then kill Crooks right away? In the frenzy of shots two more accurate shots could have been made. According to a plan?

Thomas Crooks was not trained as a sniper. He was shooting his father's AR like rifle. Yes he could have done it. But if someone ELSE needed to kill Trump, would they have trusted a 20 year old amateur? Or would Crooks have simply been the instrument for the deceptive secret plan? When police first heard the shot from Crooks and responded would a sound from a separate gun shot be only noise in the melee? Those sounds can be easily differentiated by modern tech equipment. (We heard TWO separate rifles shooting from Mandalay Bay in Las Vegas) This kill shot missed Trump by divine intervention it seems. And since that historic moment, we have no information from the US Agencies tasked with the job of protecting an ex President and the leading challenger to Joe Biden. Or a challenge to the control of the USA? WHY did every US agency dive for cover immediately after the attempt missed?

Had the kill been successful, Biden would most likely be still in the race, same as before with someone still covering up his cognizant decline and manipulating his every move and action. Same old teleprompter. Some suspect Barack Obama as the subversive dupe carrying out the wishes of the Deep State. A coup of America is underway. Trump had to be eliminated at all costs. The media demands had increased daily and more stridently that Trump was the threat to democracy. Or was he a threat to someone else's idea of democracy? Those who talk about Deep State, accept that it has no Party, anyone who will follow the agenda will do just fine as useful. And they have the means to help you or finish you. As long as they don't lose control. Not all coups are obvious, some take longer in secrecy, too many patriotic guns in America. 

Many people could sense that something was about to happen as Trump gained momentum and became closer to being POTUS all over again. And then what would happen? We all know the FBI, Secret Service, DHS would face drastic changes with a Trump Presidency on a second go around. Drastic to those in control. His counsels the first time betrayed him at every turn. How would the Pentagon react? Moles left in the White House before were installed to guarantee a Trump failure. All knew he would not allow it to happen again in 2024. 

Donald J. Trump was/is a serious threat to the status quo of siphoning off riches and power from the wealthiest country in the world. And the threat was not about democracy nor Republicans OR Democrats, it was that those behind the scenes do NOT want changes. It is, unfortunately the same scenario faced by JFK when he threatened the powers that be with the demolition of the FBI and the Federal Reserve. The status quo in 1963. But like that fateful day, will we still be trying to figure this one out in 60 years? 

We are missing many names. Who is obfuscating? Who decided the perimeter of protection? What Secret Service agent was in charge of assigning security details. Who of the FBI? Did S.S. or FBI agents change assignments on the day? (Kennedy's motorcade was changed on the day to loop closer to the Grassy Knoll even though his route could have gone straight ahead.) Trump's security was 'as assigned' said Director Cheetle, but when was it assigned? Did someone call in sick and new agents took over on the day? As always the FBI takes your cell phone data for analysis right after. Are they gathering evidence or destroying evidence? (We all also know Epstein's private Island had a horde of FBI Agents there on the days after his death. But not a word of anything found?) FBI Director Christopher Wray has no answers. Is he under the same scrutiny the Sheriff was after the Las Vegas shootings? Tell them what we told you to tell them? Will this action go directly to the back burner? Why are no agents claiming fame?

So even on the day after, it is hard to find the text or pictures on line that matter. Evidence suppression is fully under way. The 'watchers' waste no time. A web search shows you little of what you want and hundreds of unrelated items. But that one iconic pic of Trump's defiance remains. Do the America people even know how bad this is? And with AI being improved daily, you may never again see truth in Media, only a constructed truth. Which is a blatant lie. 

We are not that stupid. Americans are smart and can see when they are being scammed. Even with the barrage of disinformation from the usual suspects, CNN, MSNBC, CBS, NYT, ABC, et al. And Harpie TV women all chirping in on the most heinous act of killing a President without a single thread of regret or even a basic understanding of what they are doing.  And male hosts no better in their deceptions. They are entitled to the badge, useful idiots. As are their audiences. 

The battle is uphill all the way. And precarious. Diffusion and chaos is the method fueled by hate. And it is not over yet. There are honest, patriotic agents and cops waiting for their chance to step forward and slay the duplicitous dragon gripping America. We hope they get it.

This was only the first try. Trump is alive but a wounded bear is far more dangerous.


Plan B is on the horizon.




It is becoming increasingly obvious, that the now stultifying actions of the FBI, Secret Service, Homeland Security, Department of Justice were all a part of the plot to take Donald Trump out of the mix for the election in November. It looks more like a CIA Operation than anything else!  

When these Agency Chief guys who are finally making statements and saying they failed in their job, you must think their failure is that Trump LIVED! The failure seems more like their whole point on the day was to kill Trump, and then murder Crooks before anything could be revealed! THAT is what they mean. 

Stay alert for Plan B, it is NOT over. READ your news, judge it, don't just accept it.