This is updated from June 2013 - Still applies.
Welcome to the NSA as a new follower of my blog. As CIA Whistleblower Edward Snowden has recently revealed, they are surveilling everyone now so I know someone will actually be reading my stuff. (This is very encouraging when I have been trying to publish my dog story for 4 years)
Please invite your brother agencies to share too; the RCMP, FBI, CSIS, CIA, CSEC, DEA, MI5, MI6, MI7? HAARP, DARPA, SPCA, NCIS, Men in Black, DIA, US Secret Service, Homeland Security, DAR, Space Command, et al. I have such gratitude to you all, writers need all the stroking they can get!
I apologize in advance, if you find things on here that you didn't think people already knew. We are out here in reality. And we question everything.
The Communications Assistance for Law Enforcement Act, (CALEA) requires that all US telecommunications companies modify their equipment to allow easy
wiretapping of telephone, VoIP, and broadband internet traffic.
And of course you already know virtually all these agencies have built in back doors
to just about every single App you download to your server, phone, computer, tablet, or memory stick. Started long ago when the Government threatened to split Microsoft into three unless Bill Gates allowed it.
The Washington Post reported in 2010 that there were 1,271 government organizations and 1,931 private companies in 10,000 locations in the United States that are working on counter-terrorism, homeland security, and intelligence, and that the intelligence community as a whole includes 854,000 people holding top-secret clearances. And did you know that even if you retired 30 years ago from the CIA, you'll probably still have your clearance status and be able to tinker around with whatever that new widow down the street is emailing to her friends?
According to a 2008 study by the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, (DNI) private contractors make up 29% of the workforce in the US intelligence community and cost the equivalent of 49% of their personnel budgets. Five corporations dominate our privatized intelligence industry.
Wow, so I have 854, 000 new followers! Exciting. And private contractor guys too. That means the Blackwater shadow army is following me too, or as they choose to be called now, Xe Services, oh wait, they changed their name yet again to Academi.
Way less menacing. You almost expect their smart guys in knobby tweed brown
sports jackets instead of black SWAT gear! Are the Minutemen on our side
or theirs? There's also private corporations Booz Allen,
( and SAIC (they do Mission Support which is analytics and Artificial Intelligence! Kinda fits, right?) They are joining in
to watch/read/listen to us. (me)
So adding all these people up who are now interested in what I say, just because I said Obama bombed in his attempt to be humorous at the White House Correspondents' Dinner, (you see, the trigger is using the name Obama, in the same sentence as the word bombed.) I expect now that I have easily passed the one million count in followers of my blog!
I don't feel so lonely anymore, knowing that virtually ALL my posts are being read by these intelligent/intellectual/intelligence people inside their big obsidian building in Maryland. And my file in Utah is growing too, as this is now 2023, I assume literally ALL my posts, calls, correspondence, texts. social media comments, arguments with the gardener, restaurant reservations to be on record with a red asterisk! And I expect if I ever call 9-1-1, someone will answer saying, "What do you want, Bob?"
I am probably the topic of coffee-break confabs, water-cooler chit-chat or water-closet whispers?
I'll try harder now, I promise. Now that I know you guys are all here watching.
I might email Putin and Xi, maybe get the Russian SVR following me. And add those old KGB guys too, who may be out in a gulag but can't stop spying. China's MSS should follow me too. Those kinds of numbers would put me into NSA spy-satellite attention. I wonder if the Geylen Organization is still active in Germany? It is a long way from the OSS isn't it?
I feel so welcome where ever I am these days.
Psst! I can see that guy with binoculars in my neighbor's tree peering into my bedroom, should I bring him a coffee?
Hello? I know you can hear me. One lump or two?
So adding all these people up who are now interested in what I say, just because I said Obama bombed in his attempt to be humorous at the White House Correspondents' Dinner, (you see, the trigger is using the name Obama, in the same sentence as the word bombed.) I expect now that I have easily passed the one million count in followers of my blog!
I don't feel so lonely anymore, knowing that virtually ALL my posts are being read by these intelligent/intellectual/intelligence people inside their big obsidian building in Maryland. And my file in Utah is growing too, as this is now 2023, I assume literally ALL my posts, calls, correspondence, texts. social media comments, arguments with the gardener, restaurant reservations to be on record with a red asterisk! And I expect if I ever call 9-1-1, someone will answer saying, "What do you want, Bob?"
I am probably the topic of coffee-break confabs, water-cooler chit-chat or water-closet whispers?

I'll try harder now, I promise. Now that I know you guys are all here watching.
I might email Putin and Xi, maybe get the Russian SVR following me. And add those old KGB guys too, who may be out in a gulag but can't stop spying. China's MSS should follow me too. Those kinds of numbers would put me into NSA spy-satellite attention. I wonder if the Geylen Organization is still active in Germany? It is a long way from the OSS isn't it?
I feel so welcome where ever I am these days.
Psst! I can see that guy with binoculars in my neighbor's tree peering into my bedroom, should I bring him a coffee?
Hello? I know you can hear me. One lump or two?
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