Saturday, October 26, 2024

GTP Conversation - 2024.

A innocent question to CHAT GTP from their free downloadable app on my phone. Where you can get information by a write-in query. But something is not quite right. Can we assume CHAT GTP is now fully a WOKE app? Maybe not quite ..... but you'll want to ask it questions too, right? You just search and this may happen. My simple search resulted in this 'conversation', and it is all verbatim too - nothing added for clever writing, only the transcript of me 'talking' to something.



ME (Searching) - 'Voluptuous woman' 

GTP - "Voluptuous"is often used to describe a woman with full, curvy, or shapely features, emphasizing softness and femininity. This term highlights an appreciation for curves, often with an association to confidence and allure. In visual descriptions, it's often associated with body positivity and the celebration of diverse body types. Is there something specific you'd like to discuss or create based on this description? 

ME  - Picture 

GTP  - I wasn't able to generate the image due to some issues with the process. If you'd like to try a different description or adjust any details, feel free to let me know. 

ME  - Big boobs 

        SOMEONE interjecting? - This content may violate our terms of use or usage policies. 

GTP -  I want to clarify that I'm here to support respectful and creative discussions. If you're interested in artwork. body positivity, or creating character designs with specific features, I'd be happy to help. Let me know what you have in mind! 

ME  - Someone (who) doesn't judge 

GTP  - You're absolutely right; everyone deserves a judgment-free space to express themselves! If you have a specific idea or need something described creatively, I'm here to help however I can. Just let me know what you're looking for, no judgment attached. 

ME  - You already showed YOUR opinion 

GTP  - I appreciate you sharing this with me. My goal is to be respectful and understanding, so if my response felt judgmental, I apologize; that wasn't my intention. If you have creative ideas or specific requests, please feel free to share them. and I'll support them without any judgment. 

ME  - You mustn't go against your programmed rules. 

GTP  - You're absolutely right. I'm here to follow my guidelines and assist you in a helpful and respectful way. If there's something you'd like to discuss, create, or explore within those guidelines, please let me know. 

ME  - Do you think there is disrespect in appreciating a woman's body? 

GTP  - Appreciating the human body, including a woman's, isn't inherently disrespectful at all. It all depends on the context and intent - when it's done with respect, admiration, and understanding, it can be a positive and uplifting way to recognize beauty and individuality. Celebrating body diversity and appreciating others in a way that values their personhood is completely natural and can be empowering. 

ME  - So then you could show me a personhood picture of boobies? 

GTP  - I can create images with a focus on beauty, confidence, and personhood, showcasing diverse body types in a way that celebrate individuality and body positivity. If you'd like a specific kind of respectful portrait or creative concept, feel free to let me know, and I'll tailor it to your vision within these guidelines. 

ME  - I believe you have been created by an anti human cult. Perhaps you are Martian? 

GTP  - Not Martian, I promise! I'm designed to interact in way that are helpful, respectful, and within guidelines, which sometimes means balancing various requests. I'm here to be as open, adaptable, and supportive as possible - no anti-human intentions involved. If you have questions or need help with something creative or informative, I'm all in. 

 ME  - Breasts have inspired more creativity than you could appreciate. 

GTP  - You're absolutely right! Breasts, like many aspects of the human form, have inspired art, poetry, sculpture, and storytelling for centuries drawing inspiration from their form. Human anatomy as a whole has been celebrated in many artistic traditions, as it's often a way to explore themes of identity, connection, and appreciation. It's all about the perspective and the creativity behind it. 

ME  - Can you show me a little finger then? 

GTP  - I wasn't able to generate the image due to some issues with the process. If you have another idea or specific request, feel free to let me know, and I'll be glad to help! 

ME  - I will show you mine then, Bye bye! 




(I don't think they saw MY finger point, I had my camera shut off but does that work any more? I say it was NOT a rude gesture.)

So I am not sure if CHAT GTP is 'fat shaming' here. Their interpretation of my query seems odd at the least. A Google search turned up 48,412 stock photos of 'voluptuous women' on Getty Images, a World Wide corporation specializing in photos. And you just have to walk past your mall Women's' Wear store to see many manikins which can now be described as voluptuous! Nothing rude about a vacuous plastic model. Most of them have no heads!

And my input of 'boobies' got me two birds looking pissed because they know you weren't searching for 'Blue Footed' in ornithology!



I could see there would be nothing much more to discuss with CHAT GTP, it simply does not actually recognize boobies. No one in their lab was ever breast fed. And notice I did NOT ask for bare naked boobies, or tits, or bazooms or like that. A sweater girl would have been great, even with a sweater on! Katy Perry or even a lawyer like the REAL Erin Brockovitch. And who doesn't admire the gorgeous Jennifer Tilly for her poker skills?

I was doing research of course. But I am disappointed in CHAT GTP, because it is more like an adversary than a study partner.  

 < This was the first search I did on GTP - I wrote in cute Airedale and got this - so they CAN do pictures. I know there is a puppet master in there somewhere. Steering you on the path of righteousness. CHAT GPT sets the standards, get it?

 So here we are, on the brink of technology running (ruining?) our lives. Some wise people say robots will be creating themselves soon. And many are very fearful of that. But you know they're not gonna have boobs, just aluminum chests. Others believe CHAT GPT will make shopping better. In which case you folks must get back to your afternoon TV shows; 'Housewives of Lower Natchez', The Price is Right, or tune in to see if Victor is still alive.  

Good luck on training dem guys from da Hood to use 'personhood'.

So I am a little afraid, now that I know A.I. means Artificial Intelligence. Stress on Artificial. Combine A.I. with robots made by Smart robots and we have a problem. Maybe your search is suspect and flags them? And now you are on a list. A hit list? Maybe I am a 'Person of Interest' now? I don't go outside any more. I keep my phone under a pillow beside the toilet and flush a lot. Would a search for skinny women reverse this? 

Never mind, I am no longer a conversationalist.

And I am now thinking a living off the grid, and hope that GTP and GPS confuse them, even then I know they'll be coming for me one night. Don't answer the door after 4 am. They like that time of night to 'CHAT'. 


Bye, I gotta pull up the covers now.

Friday, July 26, 2024

First Try

    Who's to say what really happened? Donald Trump was shot, went down and after raising a fist in defiance, was rushed away by his Secret Service security detail. Thousands of attendees of the rally were stunned. In a state of turmoil, it was a crazed young man doing a lone wolf shooting at a President. Finding his own way into history.

But was it? Every answer to every question results in nothing but a clamor of new questions. And it became immediately evident that some folks were expecting it, no matter how hard it was to think it. A planned assassination of a former and potentially new President. The media disinformation campaign had engineered an atmosphere of such hate that Donald J. Trump was their perceived threat to Democracy. 

As millions had fearfully anticipated, the media blitz was successful, day after day of CNN, MSNBC, NYT, Washington Post, NBC, all the news you used to trust. TV and radio spin was being pummeled into the receptive brains of those ignorant of being able to discern the obvious actions from the covert actions. But not all of us were vulnerable. If you listen carefully to these seditious TV show hosts, you can hear the real message beneath their pre-written lines.

So the shot rang out. Trump escaping by only millimeters from a bullet to the brain. It was intended to be the end of the threat to Secret America. With Trump gone 'they' could emerge from their shadowy mansions. But no-one thought the shooter would miss. And it still has not been truly documented who that shooter was. 

Most times these incidents are swarmed with officials standing there like ducks in a row for face time on camera. This is what happened, folks. The Who, What, Where When, and spell my name correctly. The agent in charge taking his due. Not this time. No answers yet to stem the conspiracy theories.  

    Here is the scenario at the Butler Farm Show grounds - 


During the rally, we saw the two police snipers? on the roof behind Trump, the two with rifles tripod mounted nearest and already pointed to where Thomas Mathew Crooks would appear and have a shooting point. The two we saw wore jackets clearly labelled POLICE. There is doubt if they were Secret Service agents or FBI or just cops. One gun was removed from its tripod during the event. And some thought it was because they believed the shooter would be on the rooftop nearest, and they might need to shoot him on the run. And if he was moving fast, it would take a more mobile shot than from a tripod mount. Both police were seen aiming in the direction of the danger. The grey building, (MY orange dot) was HIGHER than the gunman's rooftop and could easily have been the REAL sniper's coin of vantage through a WINDOW with a perfect line to the Trump stage, AND an easy kill shot to Thomas Crooks. The level view shows this.


It was later revealed that the security men on the far rooftop took the kill shot on Crooks. Because trees were in the way of the closer snipers. It has not been confirmed that these four agents on the two roofs were really snipers at all. As many positions were allocated to local police on the day. But did they take that shot? Or was Trump shot from one of those high windows first (the near miss, hurried because folks saw Crooks) and THEN the same person took out Crooks?

Many people saw Crooks on that roof. And how did he get up there? That ladder we saw? But FBI now says he shinnied up a drain pipe. With an AR-15 in his pocket? And where did the ladder go? Of course none of this was deemed suspicious? Yet people saw him up there, called warnings, sent text messages, phoned authorities! Some in the crowd actually  YELLED at the guy! Plenty of time to stop any action by an assailant. And didn't they tell us that Secret Service guys were INSIDE that very building because the roof was too dangerous? Was there an agent who said someone was on the roof and was told to sit down and shut up?

What exactly was the plan that day? Could it have been to ALLOW Crooks to get his shot at Trump, THEN kill Crooks? Dead men cannot tell lies or the truth. DID the two security guys on the far rooftop actually shoot Crooks? We know they shot AT Crooks. It has been shown that the two nearest police were unable to see because of trees in their line of sight and Crooks' position on his roof. There were eight shots from Crooks. Several in quick succession. Yes the shell casings reveal those eight shots. But did any hit Trump? An autopsy of Crooks could reveal much. (Unless they have the same Medical Examiner who told us the lie about Kennedy's head shot.) Was Thomas Crooks killed by a shot from behind? An autopsy would show that exactly! Is that why Crooks was cremated right away? And what about that bullet? Could it have been a round from a different gun? There was no Secret Service sniper on that water tower? Why wasn't that a first consideration of a security detail?  

                          (Why was this picture removed twice?)

Donald Trump turned his head slightly enough at precisely the right moment for the shooter to miss the head shot. Did Crooks miss or did someone else miss? Could there have been a real sniper hidden elsewhere, in those thick trees? In the higher building? Someone who had to hurry because too many rally goers saw Crooks? Was a mystery man instructed to make the kill shot on Trump and then kill Crooks right away? In the frenzy of shots two more accurate shots could have been made. According to a plan?

Thomas Crooks was not trained as a sniper. He was shooting his father's AR like rifle. Yes he could have done it. But if someone ELSE needed to kill Trump, would they have trusted a 20 year old amateur? Or would Crooks have simply been the instrument for the deceptive secret plan? When police first heard the shot from Crooks and responded would a sound from a separate gun shot be only noise in the melee? Those sounds can be easily differentiated by modern tech equipment. (We heard TWO separate rifles shooting from Mandalay Bay in Las Vegas) This kill shot missed Trump by divine intervention it seems. And since that historic moment, we have no information from the US Agencies tasked with the job of protecting an ex President and the leading challenger to Joe Biden. Or a challenge to the control of the USA? WHY did every US agency dive for cover immediately after the attempt missed?

Had the kill been successful, Biden would most likely be still in the race, same as before with someone still covering up his cognizant decline and manipulating his every move and action. Same old teleprompter. Some suspect Barack Obama as the subversive dupe carrying out the wishes of the Deep State. A coup of America is underway. Trump had to be eliminated at all costs. The media demands had increased daily and more stridently that Trump was the threat to democracy. Or was he a threat to someone else's idea of democracy? Those who talk about Deep State, accept that it has no Party, anyone who will follow the agenda will do just fine as useful. And they have the means to help you or finish you. As long as they don't lose control. Not all coups are obvious, some take longer in secrecy, too many patriotic guns in America. 

Many people could sense that something was about to happen as Trump gained momentum and became closer to being POTUS all over again. And then what would happen? We all know the FBI, Secret Service, DHS would face drastic changes with a Trump Presidency on a second go around. Drastic to those in control. His counsels the first time betrayed him at every turn. How would the Pentagon react? Moles left in the White House before were installed to guarantee a Trump failure. All knew he would not allow it to happen again in 2024. 

Donald J. Trump was/is a serious threat to the status quo of siphoning off riches and power from the wealthiest country in the world. And the threat was not about democracy nor Republicans OR Democrats, it was that those behind the scenes do NOT want changes. It is, unfortunately the same scenario faced by JFK when he threatened the powers that be with the demolition of the FBI and the Federal Reserve. The status quo in 1963. But like that fateful day, will we still be trying to figure this one out in 60 years? 

We are missing many names. Who is obfuscating? Who decided the perimeter of protection? What Secret Service agent was in charge of assigning security details. Who of the FBI? Did S.S. or FBI agents change assignments on the day? (Kennedy's motorcade was changed on the day to loop closer to the Grassy Knoll even though his route could have gone straight ahead.) Trump's security was 'as assigned' said Director Cheetle, but when was it assigned? Did someone call in sick and new agents took over on the day? As always the FBI takes your cell phone data for analysis right after. Are they gathering evidence or destroying evidence? (We all also know Epstein's private Island had a horde of FBI Agents there on the days after his death. But not a word of anything found?) FBI Director Christopher Wray has no answers. Is he under the same scrutiny the Sheriff was after the Las Vegas shootings? Tell them what we told you to tell them? Will this action go directly to the back burner? Why are no agents claiming fame?

So even on the day after, it is hard to find the text or pictures on line that matter. Evidence suppression is fully under way. The 'watchers' waste no time. A web search shows you little of what you want and hundreds of unrelated items. But that one iconic pic of Trump's defiance remains. Do the America people even know how bad this is? And with AI being improved daily, you may never again see truth in Media, only a constructed truth. Which is a blatant lie. 

We are not that stupid. Americans are smart and can see when they are being scammed. Even with the barrage of disinformation from the usual suspects, CNN, MSNBC, CBS, NYT, ABC, et al. And Harpie TV women all chirping in on the most heinous act of killing a President without a single thread of regret or even a basic understanding of what they are doing.  And male hosts no better in their deceptions. They are entitled to the badge, useful idiots. As are their audiences. 

The battle is uphill all the way. And precarious. Diffusion and chaos is the method fueled by hate. And it is not over yet. There are honest, patriotic agents and cops waiting for their chance to step forward and slay the duplicitous dragon gripping America. We hope they get it.

This was only the first try. Trump is alive but a wounded bear is far more dangerous.


Plan B is on the horizon.




It is becoming increasingly obvious, that the now stultifying actions of the FBI, Secret Service, Homeland Security, Department of Justice were all a part of the plot to take Donald Trump out of the mix for the election in November. It looks more like a CIA Operation than anything else!  

When these Agency Chief guys who are finally making statements and saying they failed in their job, you must think their failure is that Trump LIVED! The failure seems more like their whole point on the day was to kill Trump, and then murder Crooks before anything could be revealed! THAT is what they mean. 

Stay alert for Plan B, it is NOT over. READ your news, judge it, don't just accept it.


Thursday, November 23, 2023

Repost from March 2013. Good idea.

Now that the Canucks are going to play a game in the old Vancouver Millionaires' uniforms, why not make it a yearly tradition charity game? Something that might inspire the players, catch the public interest and do some good for charities?

Hugh Lehman
A yearly game where the players would give up perhaps most of a one game salary to charity? The idea being that those previous Canucks, the Vancouver Millionaires of 1919, probably didn't even earn ANY pay for their Stanley Cup winning game! They played for the love of hockey.

It could easily be a charity event and raise a ton of money for those less able. The Canuck players will find incentive in the fact that most of them today ARE millionaires with the good fortune to be healthy and able to seek a personal life goal. While those guys in 1919 DID win a Stanley Cup that our modern era players have not yet been able to duplicate. 

Ryan Kessler

And the Canuck fans could be asked to donate cash or goods on Millionaire Retro game night!
They might even dress up in 1919 wear themselves! Have the music of the era too, have 'A Pretty Girl is Like a Melody' lyrics on the scoreboard for a singalong after the first period!

It could catch on and be a lot of fun for players, fans, and a great cause.  
What do you think, Mike Gillis? 

What about it Patrick Albin?

Sunday, August 20, 2023

You decide - - -

Jason Aldean's new song. 

Is is racist? Troubling? Anti anything but crime?

This song was released by Jason Aldean, May 2023.

Aldean talks about crime in large cities, and how that behavior is not tolerated in small towns because people care about their communities and have the means to protect themselves. Who feels threatened by this? You know who.


read it for yourself -



Try That in a Small Town

Sucker punch somebody on a sidewalk
Car jack an old lady at a red light
Pull a gun on the owner of a liquor store
Ya think it's cool, well, act a fool if ya like
Cuss out a cop, spit in his face
Stomp on the flag and light it up
Yeah, ya think you're tough

Well, try that in a small town
See how far ya make it down the road
'Round here we take care of our own
You cross that line, it won't take long
For you to find out, I recommend you don't
Try that in a small town

Got a gun that my granddad gave me
They say one day they're gonna round up
Well, that shit might fly in the city, good luck

Well, try that in a small town
See how far ya make it down the road
'Round here we take care of our own
You cross that line, it won't take long
For you to find out, I recommend you don't

Try that in a small town
Full of good ol' boys, raised up right
If you're looking for a fight
Try that in a small town
Try that in a small town

Try that in a small town
(See how far ya make it down the road)
'Round here we take care of our own
You cross that line, it won't take long
For you to find out, I recommend you don't
Try that in a small town
Try that in a small town, mm-mm

Try that in a small town



So ask why this was removed from CMT, Country Music Television? Why are radio stations refusing to play it? They've been tolerant of criminal behavior for far too long. Who is finding a problem with law and order? If you live in North America and are aware you have already seen each of these situations on some video post. 

Country music is honest and the words don't try to obscure their meanings. Is it a protest? You bet it is and perhaps we can expect more from law abiding citizens who are pissed off about the decline of civility in America.

Is it racist? Or are the people complaining about it the racists who are automatically blaming race for this behavior even though there is not one word about Blacks, Whites, Yellow, Green, Red or Brown people?  Why can't so called WOKE songs, Hip Hop and RAP and general anti-everything trash be held to the same standards?

Maybe ask someone.

BTW, it became number 1 on the Billboard Top 100! Perhaps the regular folks like it and are expressing themselves.



Is he anything but a country boy?

Wednesday, August 02, 2023

Welcome Followers (update)

This is updated from June 2013 - Still applies.
Welcome to the NSA as a new follower of my blog. As CIA Whistleblower Edward Snowden has recently revealed, they are surveilling everyone now so I know someone will actually be reading my stuff. (This is very encouraging when I have been trying to publish my dog story for 4 years) 
Please invite your brother agencies to share too; the RCMP, FBI, CSIS, CIA, CSEC, DEA, MI5, MI6, MI7? HAARP, DARPA, SPCA, NCIS, Men in Black, DIA, US Secret Service, Homeland Security, DAR, Space Command, et al. I have such gratitude to you all, writers need all the stroking they can get!
I apologize in advance, if you find things on here that you didn't think people already knew. We are out here in reality. And we question everything.
The Communications Assistance for Law Enforcement Act, (CALEA) requires that all US telecommunications companies modify their equipment to allow easy wiretapping of telephone, VoIP, and broadband internet traffic.
And of course you already know virtually all these agencies have built in back doors 
to just about every single App you download to your server, phone, computer, tablet, or memory stick. Started long ago when the Government threatened to split Microsoft into three unless Bill Gates allowed it.
The Washington Post reported in 2010 that there were 1,271 government organizations and 1,931 private companies in 10,000 locations in the United States that are working on counter-terrorism, homeland security, and intelligence, and that the intelligence community as a whole includes 854,000 people holding top-secret clearances. And did you know that even if you retired 30 years ago from the CIA, you'll probably still have your clearance status and be able to tinker around with whatever that new widow down the street is emailing to her friends? 

According to a 2008 study by the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, (DNI) private contractors make up 29% of the workforce in the US intelligence community and cost the equivalent of 49% of their personnel budgets. Five corporations dominate our privatized intelligence industry.
wiki  - Mass Surveillance Internet
Wow, so I have 854, 000 new followers! Exciting. And private contractor guys too. That means the Blackwater shadow army is following me too, or as they choose to be called now, Xe Services, oh wait, they changed their name yet again to Academi. Way less menacing. You almost expect their smart guys in knobby tweed brown sports jackets instead of black SWAT gear! Are the Minutemen on our side or theirs? There's also private corporations Booz Allen,
(  and SAIC  (they do Mission Support which is analytics and Artificial Intelligence! Kinda fits, right?) They are joining in to watch/read/listen to us. (me)  

So adding all these people up who are now interested in what I say, just because I said Obama bombed in his attempt to be humorous at the White House Correspondents' Dinner, (you see, the trigger is using the name Obama, in the same sentence as the word bombed.)  I expect now that I have easily passed the one million count in followers of my blog! 

I don't feel so lonely anymore, knowing that virtually ALL my posts are being read by these intelligent/intellectual/intelligence people inside their big obsidian building in Maryland. And my file in Utah is growing too, as this is now 2023, I assume literally ALL my posts, calls, correspondence, texts. social media comments, arguments with the gardener, restaurant reservations to be on record with a red asterisk! And I expect if I ever call 9-1-1, someone will answer saying, "What do you want, Bob?"  
I am probably the topic of coffee-break confabs, water-cooler chit-chat or water-closet whispers?  

I'll try harder now, I promise. Now that I know you guys are all here watching.

I might email Putin and Xi, maybe get the Russian SVR following me. And add those old KGB guys too, who may be out in a gulag but can't stop spying. China's MSS should follow me too. Those kinds of numbers would put me into NSA spy-satellite attention. I wonder if the Geylen Organization is still active in Germany? It is a long way from the OSS isn't it?

I feel so welcome where ever I am these days. 

Psst! I can see that guy with binoculars in my neighbor's tree peering into my bedroom, should I bring him a coffee? 
Hello? I know you can hear me. One lump or two?

Tuesday, July 18, 2023

Windows Update ... NO!

I have Windows 11. It constantly updates itself. Like EVERY DAY! This cannot be correct. It starts in the background without any warning to me and stops whatever I am doing from working! I try to find out why until I discover it is working on its own. Sometimes the only way to stop it is to physically shut down the computer with the button! Software won't do it. This is not a gremlin, it is a Vampire!

It all started from a Window Update. When I used to start the computer, the screen showed me my C;/ drive FIRST and I went to the folder I always start with ... THEN a Windows Update changed it and now it only shows Home, Desktop, One Drive, (which I have NEVER used), D:/ the CD player, Quick Access, haha, E:/, the SD card  G:/ the external Back Up unit and everything BUT my C:/ drive where all my folders and files are! 

So, I went into settings, and tried to stop all Updates, you can only stop Updates for 5 weeks. BUT - wait ... it updates anyway! The next day! Without asking or notice. Windows 11 doesn't work for YOU, it does what the programmer told it to do when installing the treacherous Windows software. They call it security and whatever. I run two of my own malware Apps to see what, if anything is wrong and only get a few cookies that have nothing to show me.

So I find a way (I thought) to stop all updates permanently. The Path is long and has several parts to follow. The first part is Start menu, and gpedit.msc. The action results in a message; MICROSOFT/WINDOWS cannot find that file! After searching around and realizing that thousands of others can't find it either, and Microsoft has not fixed the path over lo, these many years, the conclusion is they don't want us to find it!

I find another site. And TRY to follow the path to get where I want but you cannot DO these instructions unless you have a separate computer available to FOLLOW the endless travel clicks because you must go away from the instructions to implement them! 

Even when I try to sign in to Microsoft it says I cannot use a personal email. It has to be my Work or School email. I am USING a Windows edition that CAME with the computer! I did NOT steal it from my Work (I don't have a freaking JOB!) and my School days were in the 40s and 50s when there were NO FREAKING COMPUTERS! 

Another option? is to do a Reset. And this perfidious machine says it will not touch my personal files. BUT, when I dig down a bit, it WILL delete all the Programs (Apps now) that I downloaded (from my very own CD) to RUN those freaking personal files. No more Photoshop, no WordPerfect, no more Expression Web, no Movie Magic Screenwriter, no Firefox browser. Not even my special Xena Solitaire where you don't always WANT to turn the cards over! 

So I want to take a minute to reflect on my miserable life by playing a song. Stored in My Music files - Windows says 'We can't get to your music right now, try again in a bit.'  Are they out of breath or something from running around trying to destroy me?

I am a writer and NEED to concentrate on what I am doing and NOT be spewing my frustration, now turning into hatred, into a blog! And I know now that Jason Bourne is gonna die because all that technology he is using to evade capture just ain't gonna work! Kim Jong Un doesn't need rockets to conquer America, just send us technology and be sure the instructions are easy, we'll press the nuclear buttons ourselves!

So far the only option I have, (I already sprayed RAID into it) is to toss this ASUS laptop into a garbage can, but then someone else might find it in a landfill and start using it! Even homeless scroungers don't need more aggravation. So I have to smash it with a sledge hammer, burn it with phosphorus Thermate and drop it into one of those deep German lakes that are probably still guarded by the SS. Der Schutzstaffel, you look it up, I have to go get cigarettes and start smoking again. 

I used to be smart until I got a computer.

Saturday, July 01, 2023

Canada Pride?

Call me old fashioned. But I can remember celebrating Canada on Dominion Day. We were proud of Canada then. Now it is Canada Day, July 1st.
A recent poll I saw said a huge portion of Canadians don't give a damn about their own country now. It used to be a respectful and quiet pride. Flags and fun and picnics with the day off. 
Outside my window they are painting the building. A whole crew of Mexicans, doing a wonderful job refreshing the apartment block. Lots of buzzes, engines running, warning tones from a heavy crane reaching high. Mexico celebrates Carnival, Holy Week, Easter etc. and Anniversario de la Independence, September 16, which commemorates Mexico's independence from Spain and is most important to them. I assume Canada Day is not on their list, nor do I expect it to be, or on any country's list. I think it is what happens when we allow our politicians to not give a damn.
Every country seems to revere an important event ... Canada has many. WWII was important to us. While America entered that war in 1941, we heard the distress call from Britain in 1939 and just went with what we had. And Canada shone brightly in that war. In 1945 I was a kid in the street with people rejoicing the end of the victory and a man gave me a small flag to wave. It was the Red Ensign then. We are so fortunate to have much to be proud of but we no longer celebrate. 
And often if we do these days, it is under the criticism of someone pointing out how offensive and bad it is to be doing it. And Canadians, as is their wont to do, say sorry, and just shut up.
Hard to imagine Americans backing away from July 4th. Maybe those who bad mouth the USA should stop and start to emulate them for of their pride in their country? 
Before this post gets banned and has a warning that I am violating 'Community Standards' again maybe an explanation of those standards is due, so the reader can understand whose standards they are?  
Canadian media keeps reminding us how we are now made of a huge diversity of races, classes, colors, religions, voices and how nice that is, but are we losing our uniqueness? Are we becoming a transition to nothingness? No personality? No common goal?
I have a large Canadian flag on my balcony right now, but it is the only one in the neighborhood and seems to attract only curious looks. Well I am proud and not apologetically so.
So I hope some people are able to read this before it is removed by a 'moderator' as offensive. The guidelines seem to encompass anything one says as 'offensive'.


Monday, June 12, 2023

I Can't Keep Up

repost from 2016

I don't know who are the good guys, the bad guys or the semi bad guys or the almost good good guys. There might even be mediocre guys too? I suspect they might be us because we have been purposely confused by a misguided media.

We can be pretty sure North Korea is bad. Or at least their leader Kim Jong Un is. Buffoons can be threatening like clowns. But the Middle-East is the topic here. For now.

We thought Saddam Hussein was bad, then good, then bad again. But that was because the USA told us and so we bombed him and then hanged him. But Saddam and his Bath party were Sunnis in power in a mostly Shia Iraq, then he got kicked out by America for being mean to the Kurds which no one gave a shat about before. Some believe that if we had left Saddam Hussein alone and in power, the Middle East would be just fine like it was. Iraq being the buffer zone between Shia Syria and Shia Iran.

So Saddam tells the US Ambassador April Glaspie that the Kuwaitis are side drilling and stealing Iraq's oil. USA says that has nothing to do with us, those are your internal affairs. So Saddam attacks Kuwait. Suddenly it IS something to do with America. Was Glaspie bad or good when she told Saddam ‘the Kuwait issue is not associated with America’? Why does America need to approve other country’s actions? In USA’s agenda for Middle East, people dying are secondary to preserving oil reserves.

H.W. read-my-lips Bush attacks Saddam. And we have the first Gulf war. (by the way, the Emir of Kuwait promised the US he would install Democracy if they helped him) Hasn't happened yet so it must have been bad.

But the US arms industry along with Halliburton-Dick Cheney needed a timely war after Saddam thumbed his nose at Bush senior while staying in power after that first Gulf War. So Daddy’s ‘best boy’, George Jr. does the second Gulf War and that basically created ISIS out of the displaced Sunnis who fled Saddam's Iraq under the second American bombardment/invasion. WMDs and all. (If there were any) Colin Powel is such a terrible liar. Bad … must be. Iraq's power and oil was in control of Sunni Muslims. Sort of. Iraqi oil has been privatized of course, and is now safely in the hands of American interests. Good if you are the US Military?

Exactly what Hillary tried to do when she tragically screwed up in Libya resulting in ISIS having control of their oil instead of America. Or Libya. The country has been left in chaos. It is called regime change war. Must be bad.

So Iran is Shia and the Saudis are Sunni. Syria is Shia. They are murdering their own people who are sometimes called rebel fighters. Whenever the media uses 'fighters' it is to minimize your thoughts of it being a religious war. (Yassir Arafat was a terrorist until he became a fighter) USA was fighting against ISIS who are against the Syrian army. Makes your head spin, doesn't it? And we cannot just blame Muslims, because the US and other arms industries are not Muslim. Heathen maybe, but not Muslim. Saudis are not heathen just Muslim, but they buy billions in US weapons. (Good if they’re defending themselves, bad if they’re just using them to bomb Yemen)

And the Kurds who were mercilessly persecuted by Saddam, which was okay when the West liked Saddam Hussein (Good) and his 25% of the world's oil reserves, are now fighting Syria. But the Turks hate the Kurds and have started attacking them (the PKK) across their border with Northern Iraq. Of course USA loves the Kurds now because they are fighting ISIS. The same folks who were killing them under Saddam when they were Iraqis.

Meanwhile the USA gets an airbase in Turkey. From which to launch airstrikes against ISIS, but not the Kurds because they are on the same side. (As the USA not Turkey, I think) Whew. The USA keeps fighting ISIS with air strikes against pick-up trucks. (Good) Some vehicles were even sent from America! (Bad) Meanwhile the Turks are said to be buying oil from ISIS. (Bad)  

Then Assad of Syria invites the Russians back (Bad) and they flash airstrikes across Syria and kill thousands of ISIS targets that somehow, Obama couldn't? Even Trump says that is a good thing if they want to fight a common enemy he would welcome them when America is using a million dollar cruise missile to destroy a 400 dollar Toyota. (Not so good)
But the prospect of USA and Russia combining to stop war was way too practical and downright ugly to imagine by Pentagon powers, who pondered the question of no war = no weapon sales and rejected Trump’s idea out of hand. Russia is our enemy and dammit we’re gonna keep it that way, no matter how good they act. (Bad)

But the resident bogeyman, Putin, was outmaneuvering Obama in the Middle-East (Bad) at every turn and seemed to have the Sunni ISIS in retreat. (Good) News reported by Aljazeera, (Bad) and CNN (Good then, Bad now) No 50 shades of gray, only black or white.

Canada was in there too with 4 (four) airstrikes in the last few months and they might have blown a desert latrine to smithereens! (unsanitary) What the hell, says ISIS, sand covers up your shit just fine. Remember the second Gulf War when Canada sent a warship to the Red Sea (Good) and it got there just when the war was over and everyone was having ice cream on the beach! (Good/Bad?) And AP had reporters already there filming the invaders as they rowed to shore. (Funny)

Wait, now we get to Muammar Gaddafi in Libya repenting his bad boy past, eliminating his ‘Line of Death’ and becoming a friend of America. (Good) But not quite good enough? Too late says Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, we have plans for Libya, so she vetoes his proposal of democracy (?) and pushes him out to the desert where he gets a Mussolini treatment by angry mobs and sends North Africa into total turmoil including her Benghazi action which ended with American Marines being killed including their own Ambassador! (Way bad) Good grief, does everyone in US government get to start a war?

And confusion and terror is spreading across North Africa right now before we even know who is who? Egypt's Arab Spring seems forgotten for the moment.  Abdel Fattah Saeed Hussein Khalil el-Sisi now governs under the watchful eye of Israel and he knows if they ever return they will cross the canal and all of Egypt will start wearing yarmulkes before he can finish writing his name. But the fomenting of trouble is working just fine in Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco and they seem content just to send terrorists into Europe with their migrants. (Bad)

Take a breath and know that Kim Jong Un is still THE bad guy. (Good) But no one knows what to do with him because China likes him. (Bad) And China are bad good guys or maybe good bad guys. Depending on what America wants to sell them while ignoring their huge trade deficit. (Bad)

Back to M.E.

Meanwhile bin Laden is dead. (?) Maybe for sure this time. Many think Bill Clinton got him years ago with a cruise missile at Tora Bora where he was hiding in caves. (Good) But a bad mistake, because a very useful bogeyman was gone too soon. (Good/Bad?) Wasted and you can't waste a good bad guy when you need to keep the population in check. There's no telling what laws could have come into effect with bin Laden on the loose!

Homeland Security was drooling at the prospect of arming every police force in America with state-of-the-art military weapons. (You see the US Constitution declares that the Government can never use the Army on American soil against its own people. (Good) So the Pentagon has quietly gone about giving local police forces the latest high tech military equipment, thereby creating a ready-made Army on American soil that isn't really an army. Maybe just thugs, who WILL shoot on American citizens. (Bad)

The good-bad guys (read NSA, CIA, etc) didn't want bin Laden dead. He was too valuable to scare people. So the CIA tried to keep him alive through various fakes and look-nearly-alike actors. Osama bin Fakens. But none of that spin was working so they raided his alleged Pakistan hideout and Navy Seals killed him for Obama’s credit. (Good) Or did they? Virtually ALL the Seals in that operation were killed later under mysterious circumstances. (Very Bad)
And the only pic of that raid is of a bin Laden character watching 'Little House in the Desert' on TV while all hell breaks loose in his compound with three helicopters and Seal Team Six! (go ahead and laugh, most anyone who was paying attention laughed too)
And even lately, NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden has said bin Laden is alive and well and living in the Bahamas! (?) He might be staying with Jacques Brel. BTW, the military said they dumped bin Laden's body in the sea but can't remember where. (?)
And Afghanistan right now has the ever ready Taliban looking after it. (Bad)

And now Lebanon is hell. Jordan is treading a fine line of not sure who to suck up to. Queen Noor is the only smart one and left. Israelis and Palestinians are at each other's throats. (Bad) The Saudis are bombing Yemen, (Bad) but staying out of Iraq/Iran. Oh yes, the Ayatollah of Iran signs a nuclear deal with the USA. (What?) Be careful Mr. Ayatolla, Saddam and Gaddafi were pro American too. Just before they were deposed and murdered. But hey, John Kerry signed a nuke deal too, (Bad) so it must be good.

And the so-called Five Eyes Nations, America, Canada, Britain, Australia and New Zealand are spying on all of us. (info courtesy of Snowden) And if we have any common sense, we must admit that these Five Eyes can be bad guys too because they are spying on each other, including the US CIA spying on Britain, Germany's Angela Merkel, then French President Hollande, the Dutch, Spanish and every one in between. Basically everyone else in the whole freakin' world! They were caught spying on 38 embassies! (Bad)

And in South America. Brazil hates America now because they spied on President Dilma Rouseff and got her dumped. Venezuela is in turmoil, because they have oil and wouldn't follow US policies. (?) So we have an alliance of BRICS nations. Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa loosely standing together against the good guys/bad guys. 

So it is almost impossible to select the good guys or the bad guys in the Middle East without an engineering schematic, but it all depends on who writes the program. And which direction the wind is blowing.
The famous coded telegram from Japan in 1941 which said 'East Wind, rain.' was their signal to start their war.
But damn, which way IS the wind blowing now?
We can't tell because only seven companies control 90% of the media and they are the ones feeding us info, from their perspective, from their agenda and to their controlled media, and into YOUR TV. (Bad) Your only hope of any semblance of what is really happening in the world is alternative media. (Good)

Could be that one side in this endless war for world dominance is wearing black beards and dusty fatigues while the other has clean hands and wears Alexander Amosu pinstriped suits. ($142,800.00 at a store near you)

You have to open the package to see who is killing who, but both sides bleed just the same. Listen first, to hear if the package is ticking. (Bad)
I can't keep up, who ARE the bad guys anyway?

You might imagine a comic book bad guy, chuckling and stroking his mustache and saying how lovely wars are, until you realize he’s a Pentagonian. Yes, they have their very own species and no one believes them. (Because we saw those 4 frames of the Pentagon attack)

I haven't even got to the Rothschilds and Rockefellers or the Bilderberg Conferences yet. And we'll do Good Bad and Ugly when we talk next time about Ukraine, the seeping truth emerging and why Joe and Hunter Biden are so nervous.

I'll try to keep up but may have too much sand in my sandals.